Why You Feel Overwhelmed Right Now

I'm talking all things overwhelm and what to do when you're feeling overwhelmed and overworked in your business.

Here's a few things that are amazing about running our own design business:


✨ We are in complete control of what we do in our job

✨ We are always inspired to create and innovate

✨ We get to work with the most amazing people doing their own thing

✨ We can share the things we can do really well with the world


But then along with all of these amazing things, if we have too many ideas or work on too many projects or take control of too many tasks…


…overwhelm can take over! And staying overwhelmed isn't sustainable.


I've taken everything I've experienced or worked on with other designers about overwhelm and pulled together some tips to help you discover why you're feeling overwhelmed right now and how to work through it!


Here's a little look at what today's episode includes:

  • A few reasons why you might be feeling overwhelmed

  • How you can plan your time realistically to cut back on the stress

  • What can happen if you don't take care of yourself first

  • Some steps to take to streamline your schedule and get back in control



Listen to the podcast! An episode that perfectly fits this topic is here for you to listen below and if you want to listen on the go, search 'The Daring Designers Club Podcast' wherever you listen to podcasts for more design business insider tips, personal stories and advice.


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